Alone starring Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover has already created a lot of buzz, courtesy the rumours of the lead pairs alleged love affair. While their on-screen chemistry is yet to be seen, the makers have come up with the first song’s teaser from the film called Katra.
From what we’ve seen so far, the song, sung by Ankit Tiwari and Prakriti Kakkar looks like a super romantic number. The initial rushes of the song have really left us intrigued. Composed by Ankit Tiwari on Abhay Upadhyay’s lyrics, the song is filmed in a love making scenario. The well sculpted hottie, Karan is seen romancing the super sexy Bips. The track sure looks promising. The full song will be out this evening and we are quite excited to listen to Ankit’s soothing rendition.
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