Bollywood actor Aamir Khan Saturday launched the promotional campaign of his much awaited film PK here as his role in the flick has him speaking Bhojpuri, a language widely spoken in the state.
“I have decided to launch the promotional campaign of my film PK from Bihar to connect with the language. My character speaks Bhojpuri in the film,” he told media here. Khan, however, regretted not visiting Bhojpur district, about 60 km from here, for the launch. “My desire was to begin the promotion of PK from Bhojpur in honor of the Bhojpuri language but due to security reasons we are not going there,” he said.
Aamir put in a lot of effort to perfect the language. After the Patna leg of promotions, Aamir and his team would leave for Varanasi, the next stop in their promotional tour. Aamir also said that he would like to shoot a film in Bihar if he got an opportunity. “Bihar is a lovely place and its people very warm,” he added.
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