Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh is all set to present his vocal skills for the first time in an upcoming TV commercial. The 28-year-old ‘Gunday‘ star,who is appointed as the brand ambassador of Durex, will don the hat of a rapper in the commercial, which will be launched on April 23.
“As an actor and as an individual, I have a propensity for pushing the envelope, breaking the mould and taking the road less travelled.
“Over the past three-and-a-half years that I’ve been a part of the Hindi film industry, I’ve declined several tempting endorsement offers. And now, finally, I’m doing the commercial for world’s leading brand Durex. I will also create awareness around sexual well being and promote safe sex through this campaign,” Ranveer said in a statement.
The actor is currently busy shooting his new film ‘Kill Dil‘ with Parineeti Chopra.
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